
Wp Rocket Vs Swift Performance

we all know how important a caching plugin is for website speed optimization and ranking in search engine due to your website speed and we all know about a tool called wp rocket who does an amazing job in doing those optimization and in fact i've been using it for more than two and a half year but recently.

 i made a switch from wp rocket to a service called swift performance on my friend's recommendation and i have been using it for more than a month now and i can tell you guys that we are missing out a lot by using this tool called wp rocket because swift performance has just taken website speed optimization to the next level and in this comparison video I'm going to give you a side by side comparison of what you get with wp rocket and what you get with swift performance so let's start this comparison and let's see what we're going to get in both of this caching plugin for word press alright guys.

 i have both the tool installed in two different domain name if you will see properly i have purposely changed the default word press color in both of this website just for you to understand on which website i am operating right now in this purple one i have installed swift performance and in this black default WordPress color.

i am using wp rocket i will be comparing all the features side by side what you get with both of this tool so that you will get a good idea about the features this two tool have and after that we'll look at the pricing.

i think this is the basic comparison which we do in our mind when we are looking to buy something we generally see what we will get and what is the price we need to pay so first we will see what you are going to get and we are going to see the feature of both of this tool so let's start with wp rocket and let's see what you're going to get when you install it on your website for speed optimization so alright guys this is going to be the dashboard of wp rocket when you will install it here you can see all your account activity you can see a rocket cdn here they are basically trying to upsell you on their cdn which starts at i guess 9 a month then we have some status if you want to share your data with wp rocket to optimize their tool.

 You can do that and here we get some tutorial and frequently asked a question and that's it we don't get any extra feature on the dashboard and this is all the option which you will explore when you are on the dashboard page for this plugin where sin swit performance if you will go here, first of all, you will get all this quick navigation which you can click on it and will have different functionality and then we have few caching statuses basically we get a lot of features on the dashboard of switch performance and from here you can start caching all the URLs that you have on your website and the best part about the dashboard which

i'm talking about is this setup wizard side of wp rocket we don't have any kind of setup wizard basically we have to do all the customization and setting manually but inside of suit performance if you want you can just manually click on this setup wizard option and swift performance will optimize every setting that you have inside of this caching tool properly depending on your website what kind of images you're using what kind of css you are using what kind of theme you're using all you need to just click on this auto-config option and switch performance will automatically do all the setting that is required to optimize speed for your website so this is the basic difference between the dashboard of wp rocket and the dashboard of swift performance has an auto-configure option means you don't need to manually input all the setting that is required and in wp rocket

you need to do it manually okay so that was the dashboard and the setup feature that we have experience don swit performance. now i am going to give you a quick overview of the features then we are going to dive in deep into that feature so let's start with an overview of the features of swift performance when you will click on this setting option you will have all sets of optimization feature which you can do inside of suit performance and you also get an inbuilt email optimizer.

you get a database optimizer and you also get a plug-in organizer which isi will explain to you in the later part of this video for now just understand you have a setting where you can just go ahead and do all sorts of customization then we have our image optimizer inside of this you can optimize all kind of images and yes guys it is completely free to optimize unlimited images inside of swift performance it does an amazing job in optimizing all the images that you have inside of your website i'm going to show you this in later part of this video, for now, we will focus on the setting because this is where I'm going to compare wp rockets side by side what kind of optimization feature we have inside of swift performance and what kind of optimization feature we have inside of wp rocket.

now let's look at what are the features which we get inside of the setting of swift performance, first of all, we have general and state of the bat I'll show you something here is setting and here we have two option, first of all, we have a simple view then we have an advanced view if you want to go on simple view it will just reduce few functionalities that you can optimize on your website if you are new to website development and c panel and all sorts of stuff you can just simply click on simple view and now you just need to optimize only few setting that is required to speed up your website but if you're a geek just like me you can click on this advanced view and you can get lot more option over here to customize your website and not only this guy.

when you will go to media you can have a preset where you can configure your images which are going to upload onto your website and not only this you can also customize the embed the iframes the youtube videos the Vimeo videos you can do a lot of customization depending on the code and the javascript which they have on to those embed and we are going to dive in a lot more deeper onto different functionality of switch performance for now just understand what you can be dousing this plugin and then we are going to compare it with wp rocket and we will see what are the alternative that wp rocket offers for this kind of functionality so inside of suite performance.

we have general we have media optimization we have embed optimization and we have optimization for coding css javascript all those which are pretty much similar across all the caching plugin then we have this caching mode enable and here you can just cache different tools and then we have import and export so these are the feature that you get inside of suite performance and not only this we also get an inbuilt image optimizer so this is what you get inside of swift performance let's look at wp rocket and what are its feature when i will go to this wp rocket option, first of all, we have dashboard then we have the cache and from here you can just clear the cache of different devices.

we have file optimization basically all those code optimization that you can do inside of suit performance then we have media optimization but inside of media we can only optimize the lazy load feature for image sand for the embed of if rame videos and you can also disable emojis if you want to next we have preload and this is just going to be another feature to optimize your website for speed then we have some advanced rule and from here you can set up the rules for your caching device means on which kind of url you don't want to cache that url then we have database optimization and from here you can clean up all there visions that you have onto this website basically you can clean up the data base or the backup of previous version and next we have cdnand from here you can enable cd and then we have heart beat hear tbeat is basically a feature used by wordpress to give you all real-time notification and data and if you want you can control this heart beat by clicking on this option then we have few add-ons that you get with wp rocket you get a improved browser caching for google analytics you get improved caching for facebook

Pixel varnish and cloud flare and shuri all the cans and then you get some image optimization when you will click on this image optimization this is really important guys i want you all to understand first of all you will buy wp rocket to optimize speed for your website but when you will click on this image optimization it will prompt you to install imageify and imagery is not free guys you need to pay money to cast images they do have fuel limit on the free version so basically they are trying to upsell you on their image optimization whereas inside of suite performance you get an inbuilt image optimizer which can optimize unlimited number of images and this was the main reason for my switch guys did not want to pay any extra for imageify just imagine you are paying for your caching plugin then you are paying for your image optimization and then you are paying for cd wp rocket will upsell you on their image optimization

advice and cdn service which i think is wrong guys if you pay for the speed utility of your website you should get full tracking as speed performance allows us to do this so all of this was a wp rocket tool, however, there are many tools that need to be done when you click on -on cache you will have all this option and you need to use it and use file optimization we will finish all the css I will show you in a separate video where I will give you a complete tutorial of wp rocket this video doesn't just understand what wp rocket features you will get when you buy this plugin and what are the fast performance features so this was a wp rocket feature now let's move on to the fast performance features and let's see how swift performance over wp rocketing by all means when you click on this set option you will be prompted in this plugin setting where you can set then every unit ethos.

you can change the setting to optimize your website for speed and as i have told you earlier you can switch between simple or advanced view for this video we will keep on this advanced view option and we'll see what other option which we get inside of this setting first option is general and inside of general there are many features which you can optimize guys there are many features which you can optimize if you will just click on this compute API this is one of my favorite feature inside of sweet performance if you will just enable this option they will use an algorithm to speed up your cpu which you have inside of your hosting on which your Cpanel has been installed so this is very interesting when it comes to swift performance general setting then we have this option called tweak so inside of tweak we get all these options remove unnecessary query string from cs javascript means basic kind of optimization that you would expect and then we have heartbeat and from here you can disable heartbeat i have already configured this sweep performance.

just look at all this setting which you have inside of this website because i have already configured this plugin for this particular website or what i will do at the end of this video i would just export this setting which you have inside of this website so that you can just simply important you already have a optimized plugin for that particular web site so inside of heartbeat what i have donei have just disabled few pages where I don't want to have my heartbeat running and then we have some corn jobs on jobs are used for scheduling in phpi guess i have not much understanding inside of PHP but i think con job is used for scheduling purposes next you can white label it if you want you will just click on this toggle option and from plugin name you can change it to whichever nameyou want towhich is uh for branding i don't know why it is inside of general setting next we have media and inside of media we havelot of customization way more than wprocket if you will see we can optimize ourimage upload by defaultwe can change our image quality whenever we will upload an image to our website.

This plugin will automatically optimize the images which we are uploading depending on what kind of setting we have pre-configured over here if you will scroll down we have lot of optimization guys just comment down below if you want to have a dedicated video on swift performance setting but don't worry for now i am going to give you a link down below if you will click on it it is going to download a JSON file which you then can upload over here and you will have all this setting which have configured for this website right so this is what you will get inside of media and image optimization similarly we have embedded and

we can just play around with all these settings and guys i'm repeating this if you want to have a dedicated video on how to use swift performance just comment down below and i will explain each and every term which you are seeing on your screen in detail so that you can understand which one you should enable and which one you should not so if you want me to make a detailed video on that topic please comment down below and next feature is our optimization from here you can just simply optimize your scripts we have few general options over here we have styles and we have the font and i think the font is something which wp rocket does not allow us to optimize lets see whether

we can optimize font in wp rocketi think they are not going to allow ustooptimize our font in our website yeah i think we are not able to optimizeour font which is very necessaryif you want to increase your website speed and not only thisif i will switch to simple view you willsee this font optimizationis not going to show in the simple viewof suit performance so thisis what you get inside of optimizationthen we have your caching rule and fromhere you can setall kind of setting which you want toconfigure this caching plugin fori have already done it for you

i am going to explain all this feature in a different video if you will request for that then we have some tweaks few warm-ups and then we have cdn you can enable auto-purge by using Cloudflare just simply enter your email address and give your api key and if you are using max cdn you can also do that over here and if you're happy with the setting which you have you can export it give it to your clients that they can optimize their website easily so these are the feature that you get inside of swift performance and these were the features that you get inside of wp rocket but there is something additional inside of suit performance you will see here we have more tabs if you will click on this image optimizer you will be taken to this dashboard from where i will show you how you can optimize your image first of all it will show you how many images you have over here and how many optimized images you have if you will run a quick scan it will scan for more images that you have inside of website but first of all

we will click on this setting icon and from here, first of all, i will reduce the quality of png images that i have uploaded onto this website then i am just going to uncheck this option initially it is going to be checked i am going to uncheck this option keep original images and then i am going to click on close and after that i will scroll down click on optimize all images and now swift performance will start calculating how many images are optimized and how many images are needed to be optimized and when you will select all those images from here and click on optimize images all the images will be optimized using just a click inside of switch performance and for this exact feature you need to pay extra inside of wp rocket when you will click on image options and from here you need to install image if and there you need to buy credit to optimize. images and inside of swift performance

you can simply optimize unlimited number of images because you have already bought the pluginnext we have database optimizer andwhichis very common inside of wp rocket aswell you can just click on file-optimization or rather you can click on this database and from here you can clear all therevisionwhich is similar inside of outperformance you will maintain this database option they have kept it separate for purpose you should not be playing around with database if you don't have back up make sure to make a backup when you're playing with this setting will click on i have backup and from here i am going to clear all the revisions which i have done while writing my blog post all the revisions that you will do will be saved separately inside of database so that whenever you want you can rollback so i am just going to clear all my revision which is going to delete all the copy of that blog post this is very important guys you need to regularly clean up your database for a better speed optimization of your website.

Now let's look at our image optimizer once again and here it is still going to calculate how many images need to optimize edit is going to take some time depending on what kind of website you have your website is heavy and having more than 1000 or 2000 images it can take up to 30 minutes have used it on this website and here have approx 600 images and it can take easily 15 to 20 minutes to optimize all those images but it is pretty much clear guys how you're going to do it you are just going to select all the images over here and click on optimize images and it is going to optimize all the images which are not optimized so these are all the features that you get with wp rocket and suit performance.

i hope it gave you a clear idea on what kind of features you will get when you will buy these two plugin and asi have told you earlier whenever we are trying to buy something we only think about two particular thing that is what we are going to get and how much we are going to pay so this was what you are going to get let's look at what you're going to pay now i will just open swift performance and wp rocket side by side and will compare the pricing of both of this plugin so inside of swift performance you get three type of license, first of all, you will get single site license that is for 39 you can use it up to one website and you get all the features that i have shown you in this video you get the emails optimizer.

you get all the features you get database cleaner and all those one-click auto-config feature everything you will get which have shown you in this video for 39 for one website and suite performance do have a free version if you will search for switch performance lite in WordPress repository you can get the plugin use it for some time have a feel what it feels like to have a caching plugin of swift performance and then if you want to have a pro version you can just roll for this one i am on this multi-license because i have few other websites that will be switching from wp rocket to swift performance in the coming month and if you will buy this package you can have it for four websites then we have another package that is for approx 200and if you are on this package you can use it on up to unlimited website depending on your need

you can select a package if you want to use swift performance and with all these packages the only difference is the number of web site which you can use features is all same across all these packages so this was the pricing of suit performance this is what we're going to pay for all those feature that i have shown you earlier now let's talk about the pricing of wprocket and let's see how much we need topayso this is our wp rocket and it seems like they are on sale for halloween and theyare giving a discount of 20so here you can get a single license forsimilar pricingas of suit performance but they are ondiscount ihave paid 49 for using it for onewebsiteand then we have few plus plan then wehave infinity planand the basic difference is the numberof website which you can use for 79you can use it up to three website asthey are on sale that is why you need topay 79but generally speaking for installingthis plugin on three websiteyou will need to pay 99 or you can havea package of 249and you can use it for unlimited websitebut inside of wp rocket.

i have already shown you they are not going to give you the image optimizer tool which is super important if you want to optimize your website for speed and you might be already aware about the fact that the single most thing that will consume most of your server resources images so there is a lot of talking that should be done on image optimization if you buy any of this package you will get only this wp rocket you're not going to get the image optimization they have a different service called images for optimizing images the most important thing which you need to optimize your website for speed is not with this package that is why I am making a switch from wp rocket and I am gradually going to switch from wp rocket to switch performance in all of my website and all of my client's website because in all of my other website and my client website i'm using short pixel to do image optimization and inside of the sweet performance

I can do it for free so there is no point in paying extra for image optimization as of now so this was the pricing of wp rocket you can get started with wp rocket for 49and for now if you want to buy wp rocket you can buy it for 39but i would not recommend it because myself i am switching from wp rocket how can i recommend this plugin to you if you want to have a caching plugin and if you want to have a complete suite of caching plugin as well as image optimization definitely check out swift performance guys this can be the ultimate caching tool that you will need for your website speed optimization so this was my comparison of wp rocket and swift performance.

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Wp Rocket Vs Swift Performance


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