
How To Make Money On A Lifestyle Blog

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What is your greatest passion in life? Food? Travel? Health?

Now wouldn't it be great if you could make money writing about what you love? The truth is that you can.

The average income of a lifestyle blogger is over $5,000 according to SEM Rush. But I can tell you from personal experience that you could be making much, much more. Some successful lifestyle bloggers make over $100,000 in a single month!

Now with over 30 million bloggers in the US alone, it might seem like there's a lot of competition out there. And there is.

But if you know what you're doing, you might just be able to quit your full-time job and blog about your own lifestyle. Fortunately, the entire purpose of this article is to help you learn how to start a lifestyle blog and make money.

Editors Note

This guide is extremely DETAILED and explains everything you need to start a Lifestyle blog. I've been at this blogging stuff for over 8 years and have built a business making $20,000 per month, so I have a lot of helpful advice for you newbies out there.

If you get stuck or need advice, please contact me directly and I'll help you out for free.

How to Start a Lifestyle Blog in 10 Steps:

If you just need someone to walk you through the process of setting up your blog quickly and easily, check out step 5.

Before we dive into the steps for creating a lifestyle blog in 2020, let's look at some of the reasons why you should start one.

Reason #1: Let Your Voice Be Heard

One of the main reasons for starting a lifestyle blog is to share your opinions with an audience of like-minded individuals. As a lifestyle blogger, you can create content that is inspired and curated from your own daily activities and personal interests. This makes a lifestyle blog the perfect tool to allow your voice to be heard.

Reason #2: Improve Your Writing Skills

Another reason for starting a lifestyle blog is to help you improve your writing skills. There's a variety of topics that you can write about, and you will be able to practice writing, as well as interacting with your readers, and reading the work of other fellow bloggers – all of which will ultimately improve your own writing skills.

Reason #3: Make Money

This is one of the main reasons why people choose to start blogs. And the reason many people choose to start lifestyle blogs, in particular, is that there are a variety of ways in which you can generate income from your blog. You can make really good money with the lifestyle blog if you follow blog monetization best practices.

Reason #4: Talk About the Products You Like

As a lifestyle blogger, your blog will likely be highly personalized to your location, stage in life, or life experience. Either way, you will be able to share your opinion on a wide range of topics, including talking about the products you like and sharing your opinion of them with your audience.

Reason #5: Resume Builder

If your lifestyle blog is a legitimate complement to your professional life, you can include it in your resume's experience section, under the title of "Lifestyle Blogger". This is a great way to show your experience, not only as a blogger but possibly in many other related areas, as well.

Reason #6: Become an Influencer

Being a lifestyle blogger gives you the opportunity to become an influencer in your chosen niche. In addition to writing for your own blog, you can also write for other popular publications or become a speaker. Alternatively, you can partner with businesses that are looking to make a difference in your industry.

So now that we've covered all the reasons why you should start a lifestyle blog, let's take a look at the 10 steps to create a successful lifestyle blog.

1. Decide the Focus of Your Lifestyle Blog

The first step in creating a successful lifestyle blog involves deciding on the direction or focus of your blog. You need to find a way to position your blog that will give you the best chance of success in today's super-competitive blogging sphere.

Listed below are a few ideas that are possible ways for you to position your lifestyle blog. Use them for inspiration to help you choose the direction that's right for you.

Review Products

The focus of your lifestyle blog can be on reviewing products that you have used. This is a wonderful way for you to share your thoughts and opinions on a variety of products and services that you have come across in the different aspects of your life.

Give Advice to Others

Lifestyle blogs are designed to help specific groups of people to live fuller lives. If there is a topic that you love or one that you are knowledgeable about, then you can use your lifestyle blog to give advice on that topic. You can write about your experiences and stories, as well as share your ideas and beliefs to help your audience live the lifestyle you're living.

Explain Experiences You've Lived Through

Yet another focus that you can choose for your blog is to explain the experiences you've been through, both positive and negative. This can be one specific thing or a broad range of things you've lived through. By sharing experiences, you will be able to help, guide, and advise others in your audience who are experiencing the same situation.

Remember: The key to a successful lifestyle blog is that it needs to be a reflection of the person who creates it.

So, as a lifestyle blogger, you must be the subject of your new blog. You can choose from your passions, interests, and knowledge base, and once you've determined the focus or direction of your blog, it's time to move on to the next step.

2. Choose Your Lifestyle Niche

For the most part, lifestyle blogs focus on activities and interests. This is how they differ from traditional blog niches that focus more on storytelling. Once you've figured out your niche, you'll have a good direction for choosing blog post ideas and blog topics.

There are many different niches or categories for lifestyle blogs, some of which are listed below:

Fashion: Right now, we are seeing a new generation of bloggers who are helping people all over the world find out about the latest trends in fashion. If this is something that interests you, then you can choose this niche.

Food: A food blog is a potentially lucrative niche with tons of interesting topics to choose from. If you want to share recipes and information or advice on food habits, then this is the niche for you.

Health & Fitness: Everyone wants to get fit and healthy, and if you choose this niche, you will never lack for an audience. But, it's important to note that this niche can also be super competitive.

Hobbies: Crafts, woodworking, fishing, and photography are just some of the few hobbies that you can focus on for your lifestyle blog.

Travel: You can create a blog that features travel tips, or you can even combine a few of your passions by having a blog that features fashion and food from around the world. If you do this, my list of travel blogger affiliate programs can help.

Finances: A finance blog gives you a platform to offer personal finance advice to help people save, invest, budget, or to achieve financial freedom.

Home Decor: The home decor niche is perfect for inspiring those who are struggling to make style decisions in their home with ideas for interior design.

Gardening: If you love to share garden plans, tips on growing and renovating, garden crafts, organic lifestyles, and more, then a gardening lifestyle blog is a great option for you.

Motherhood: Mommy blogs are a fast-growing industry. There are thousands of moms who come together online every day to share stories of the unfiltered side of motherhood.

Beauty: A beauty blog is a perfect choice for you if you like to share beauty and makeup tips with others. It will allow you to talk about and recommend products that you love.

Self Care: If you are passionate or knowledgeable about helping people to reduce overwhelm and avoid burnout and stress, then a self-care blog could be the right niche for you.

Family: Some blogs focus on the beauty and imperfection of everyday family life. This can include married life or parenting, etc. If you have experiences to share from your own family life, then this is a great niche for you to consider.

Important Note

When you start your lifestyle blog, you must first choose one or two niches to focus on. If you start off with too many, you're likely going to get overwhelmed. Every blog article requires a lot of hard work, and the more niches you choose, the more topics you'll have to cover.

Think of blogging as a blogging journey. You can always add lifestyle topics as you move through the journey, but starting out, you should keep it simple.

Also, going too broad at the beginning may hurt your relevance. You need to make sure you have enough down in order to make it easier for you to attract an audience to your own lifestyle blog.

3. Choose Your Blogging Platform

Once you've chosen a niche (or two) for your lifestyle blog, it's time to choose your blogging platform.

There are a lot of platforms for you to choose from, both free and paid. Some of the free platforms include Blogger, Wix, Squarespace, and, which is different from the premium, self-hosted platform,

I recommend that you choose the self-hosted WordPress blogging platform as this will offer you the best foundation for building a successful lifestyle blog.

Below are some reasons why you should choose WordPress over other blogging platforms:

Reasons to Choose WordPress

  • Over 35% of websites online use WordPress. This number continues to grow every year.
  • WordPress websites get over 400 million visitors each month.
  • There are over 600 WordPress websites that are created each day.
  • WordPress offers over 50,000 plugins and 3,500 GPL licensed themes.
  • There is a massive community of WordPress users and developers.

With each passing year, more and more people flock to WordPress for their blog creation needs. The reason for this is that WordPress offers great functionality and outstanding service compared to all other alternatives mentioned here.

It's tempting to go with a free blogging platform. They are easy to set up and there are no initial start-up costs.

But, a free platform will cost you more in the long run in terms of its limitations.

If you're not convinced, check out the following disadvantages of using a hosted blogging platform (and even more reasons why you should choose WordPress).

Drawbacks of Hosted Blogging Platforms

  • Unprofessional Domain: If you use a hosted platform, you will have the host's domain tacked onto yours. So, instead of having a domain name like "", it will be "MyAwesomeLifestyleBlog. blogspot .com."
  • Lack of Control: With a free blogging platform, you have very little control over your blog. For instance, you are limited in the plugins you can download to expand the functionality of your website.
  • Limited Features: Free blogging platforms come with a limited amount of memory space, video time, and bandwidth. In turn, this will limit your ability to grow and make money from your lifestyle blog.
  • Few Monetization Options: With free platforms like Blogger and Wix, you have very few options when it comes to advertising and other types of blog monetization methods. Furthermore, they can put their own ads on your site, making it look even less professional.
  • Lack of Support: With free blogging alternatives, you don't get any technical support for when you encounter issues with your site.

In contrast, WordPress offers a professional domain and significantly more control over your blog.

You can download as many plugins as you want from the thousands of options available to premium WordPress users, allowing you to boost the capabilities of your website.

You're also not limited in the theme selection and CSS functions, such as you would be on free blogging platforms.

You have more memory space, video time, and bandwidth, allowing you to get the best performance from your WordPress website.

Most importantly, you can monetize your new lifestyle blog in any way that you please as there are no limitations imposed on a self-hosted WordPress blogging platform.


4. Decide Your Domain Name

Your next step is to decide what your new lifestyle blog will be called. As previously mentioned, having a domain name like "" is much better than one that says "".

As an online reader, which site would you trust more? It's obvious that you would go with the more professional one, hence the importance of choosing the right platform and domain name for your blog.

Keep in mind that the name you choose will be your brand. So, take your time in making your decision.

Here are a few tips to help you find a great name for your lifestyle blog.

1. Get Domain Name: You will find a lot of domain name extensions to choose from these days, including .blog, .travel, .lifestyle, etc. You can even get a .pizza extension!

But, stay away from these domains as they are just a source of confusion for the older and more tech-challenged internet users. Rather stick with .com as this is the domain extension that everyone knows and will be able to remember.

2. Choose a Broad Domain: If you choose a name that is too narrow, it limits your ability to expand your lifestyle blog in the future. For instance, if you choose a name like "", you won't be able to write about any other places that you may want to visit in the future.

3. Choose a Short Domain Name: Keep your name as short as possible. Shorter URLs are easier for people to remember and type into their browsers. Two to three words are ideal, but you can use up to four words if necessary.

4. Make Use of Alliteration: Alliteration refers to the use of two or more words that begin with the same letter or sound. This will make your domain name more memorable and easier for your audience to recall. For instance, a name like "Teens and Tiaras" is hard to forget.

5. Use Creativity: If you find that the name you want is already taken, don't give up. Get creative by using synonyms or other words with similar meanings. For instance, the travel blog name "Tales of a Hobo" might become "Tales of a Vagrant", or something like that.

6. Add Extra Words: If all else fails, you can try adding extra words to get the domain name you want. You can add words like 'the', 'at', etc. For instance, if you wanted the name "Basic to Bling" for your blog, you might get "From Basic to Bling" instead.

7. Come up with a Concept: Think of the concept around the name you want for your lifestyle blog. How could your blog be branded, and how could it expand in the coming years? By coming up with the concept around your blog, it will help you come up with original and unique names that you can use.

8. Try Name Generation Tools: If you find that you are still failing to come up with a great name for your lifestyle blog, use a name generation tool like InstantDomainSearch or LeadDomainSearch to help you brainstorm amazing domain names.

9. Don't Buy a Domain Name: If the name you want is already taken, you may be tempted to buy it for hundreds and even thousands of dollars. Don't do that. It's certainly not worth it when you are just starting out.

Instead, use that money to help you create high-quality content for your website, and then when your blog is profitable, you may consider purchasing that domain name.

10. Don't Get Stuck Here: This is the part where a lot of people get stuck. They agonize for days, weeks, and even months on the perfect name for their blog and never move past this step. Don't let that happen to you. Assign a couple of hours to the completion of this step and then move on to the next one.

5. Buy Your Domain Name and Hosting

Once you've decided what your blog will be called, you must then purchase the domain name and web hosting for your blog.

As previously explained, your domain name is the address online that people will type to come to your lifestyle blog. For example, if your blog is called The Blonde Burger, your domain will be

So, when someone types in your website URL, then Bluehost (the host I recommend) will show your blog to the individual who searched for it.

I've created a step-by-step tutorial to walk you through the entire process of buying your domain name and hosting.  The first thing you need to do is click on this link to visit Bluehost and follow along with the tutorials below.

Below is a YouTube video and screenshots showing you the exact step-by-step process, choose whatever tutorial that works best for you.

Step 1:  If you haven't yet, click on this link and you'll be brought to the WordPress Hosting page that you see below.

Step 2:  Next, you'll be brought to the hosting plan page.  You could choose to get a "Plus" or "Choice Plus" plan, but honestly, that's not a requirement.

The Startup plan is the cheapest at $3.95/month through my link vs. the normal $8.99/month.

This plan has everything you need including 50GB of webspace (plenty of room for your files), a free domain for a year, plus other standard features like a free SSL and a secure WordPress install. Feel free to browse a bit to decide the right plan for you, but rest assured that Basic will work just fine if you want to minimize your investment.

Step 3:  After clicking into the plan, you'll be brought to the next page where you will type-in your new domain, or you can just choose "I'll create my domain later" if you haven't decided on one yet. The domain is the URL people will type into a browser to view your website in the future. There are many hosting services you can buy domains from including bluehost and GoDaddy.

Step 4:  Once you submit, the next page will ask for all of your information. That will start with your account information, which is self-explanatory.

Step 5: Next, you'll have to input your Package Information. This is to choose how long you want the plan to go for. My advice is that you choose 24 months to get the discount and save some money, but you can go as low 12 months if you want.

Step 6:  Next you'll have to choose what "Package Extras" you want. You can scroll over "More Information" to understand what each of these items are, but here is my own advice.

I would get the "Domain Privacy + Protection", this makes it so that no one can tie your name to the domain name you create. To me, the only other one worth considering is "Codeguard Basic". The other two I wouldn't personally get. But choose what is best for you.

Step 7: The next step is Payment Information, which is self-explanatory.

Step 8: And the last step of signup is to confirm that you read and understand the Bluehost Terms of Service, Cancellation Policy, and Privacy Notice. Click the check button and then click "Submit".

Step 9:  Next you'll be prompted to create an account and password. This is the information that you'll use to login to the Bluehost platform to manage your site and account info.

Step 10:  At this point Bluehost puts you through a short questionnaire to better understand your scenario. You can answer all of these questions, or click "Skip this Step" on the bottom. If you're a newbie, I advise you to answer the questions as it'll help your onboarding experience.

Step 11:  After you're done with that you'll be advised to choose a theme. For now, you can just choose to use a free theme. You can always replace the theme later if you'd like.

Step 12:  From there, you'll be brought into the backend of WordPress in the admin panel. This is where you'll manage your site from. You can add posts/pages as you see fit, but when you're ready click on the blue button that says "Launch Your Site".

Step 13 (Final):  Your blog is LIVE.  Just go to a browser and type in your domain name.  Once you do this, you'll be able to access your website!

Congrats!  You officially have a website.

If you're wondering how to edit things on the website, all you have to do from here is go to your website URL with /wp-admin at the end in a browser and login.


And don't worry, we cover how to edit things more in the rest of this guide as well.  So please continue reading.

6. Choose and Install WordPress Theme For Your Lifestyle Blog

Your next step is to choose and install a theme for your lifestyle blog. A theme is a piece of software that modifies the way your blog looks. It determines the layout of your homepage and all of your blog content. It's important to pick a good theme that is clean, well designed, and professional-looking.

Once you have your theme, you will be able to customize it so that you make it as appealing as possible to your target audience.

On WordPress, you will find tons of free and paid themes that you can use on your new lifestyle blog. But, before you reach for the first free theme you see, keep in mind that free themes are not fully customizable, which means that your blog will look like a million others on the Internet.

If you want your lifestyle blog to stand out, you must purchase a premium WordPress theme.

Here are some other benefits of choosing a premium theme over a free one:

Reasons to choose a Premium WordPress Theme

  • Unique Designs: Paid WordPress blog themes offer slick, unique, and professional-looking designs.
  • Mobile-Friendly: WordPress themes are fully responsive and look great on all devices.
  • Enhanced Security: The majority of premium themes come with built-in security designed to fight off malicious code.
  • Customer Support: Paid themes also come with robust tech support which makes them ideal for beginners or tech-challenged bloggers.
  • SEO Friendly: A premium WordPress theme is designed to enhance your SEO for a great-performing, high-ranking website.
  • User-Friendly: You can easily make changes to your website to make the theme look the way you want without having to understand HTML.

In contrast, free themes have generic templates. They're typically not mobile-friendly and come with poor customer support and security. In fact, some free themes have been known to come bundled up with some malicious code that could potentially harm your new blog.

Things to Consider When Choosing a Theme

When choosing a premium theme, there are certain factors that you should consider. The first one is the way you want your blog to look. You must have a general idea of the type of layout you want to use while lifestyle blogging, as well as the brand colors you are going to use.

When you have a general idea of the way you want your blog to look, it will make the process of picking a great theme a lot easier.

Here are the factors you should look for in every great theme:

  • Speed
  • Mobile Responsiveness
  • Beautiful, Sleek Designs
  • Easy Customization to Match Your Style
  • Responsive Tech Support
  • Great Reviews and Ratings
  • Well-Known Brand with Longevity

To help you with the selection process, here are five theme options that are great for a lifestyle blog:

Lifestyle Blog Theme Options for WordPress

Personally, I always recommend Thrive Theme Builder to people. Why? Because it's completely customizable and you can adjust your blog to look exactly how you want by pointing/clicking as opposed to hiring a developer.

In fact, this blog was build using Thrive Theme Builder and I'm absolutely thrilled with the result. Long term? I think this is the most cost-effective theme you'll find.

Click the image below to watch a video and learn more about Thrive Theme Builder.

And, if you'd like to watch an extremely detailed tutorial you can watch this playlist on YouTube.

If you feel Thrive Theme Builder isn't for you, here are some other theme options that are perfect for a lifestyle blog.

  1. Astra Lifestyle Blog Themes – Astra is another very highly-rated sitebuilder, similar to Thrive Themes, but they have very specific themes perfect for Lifestyle bloggers. Read my Astra Theme Review.
  2. Pico – Food and Lifestyle Blog Theme
  3. Trendion – A Personal Lifestyle Blog and Magazine WordPress Theme
  4. Broden – Lifestyle Blog / Magazine
  5. Buzz – Lifestyle Blog & Magazine WordPress Theme
  6. Authentic – Lifestyle Blog & Magazine WordPress Theme

The themes above are great options for a lifestyle blog. They offer the essential features all themes need, including beautiful design, speed, mobile-friendliness, and easy customization. The themes are also from well-known brands with tons of positive online reviews and ratings from happy users.

Once you've picked a theme that you like, it's time to get started building your blog. So move on to the next step where we will create the essential pages for your new lifestyle blog.

There are also many widgets you can add to make your WordPress blog more interactive and user-friendly.

7. Create Essential Pages& Logo

The essential pages for your blog include your About page, Contact page, and Privacy Policy. Of course, depending on the type of site you have, you may want to add other pages, such as a Products/Services page, but you can start with these ones for now.

About Page

This is one of the most important pages on your website. It is certainly one of the most visited pages on most lifestyle blogs.

Your readers want to get to know you, so use this page to share information about who you are and what you're all about. Explain why people should follow your blog, and do your best to make this part friendly and fun.

Let your personality show through so that your readers get a good idea of what to expect on your blog. Since your lifestyle blog will be focused around you, it's essential to have a nice looking photograph of yourself on your About page.

Contact Page

Ideally, your contact page must include a variety of ways for your visitors to get in touch with you. For instance, you can include an email address, a contact form for visitors to fill out on the page, a telephone number, and a business address.

But, make sure you only use channels that you will monitor so that you always give timely responses to your audience's questions, comments, and feedback.

You might also include any other information that you think your visitors will find useful, such as an FAQ section where you answer some of the most commonly asked questions so you can save them the trouble of sending an email and having to wait for the answer.

Privacy Policy

Your new blog needs a privacy policy, as well as other legal pages like the Disclaimer, Terms of Service, etc. If you attract readers from jurisdictions where there are privacy laws, your privacy policy will help to ensure that you are complying with the laws that protect your readers' privacy rights.

Also, when you begin monetizing your lifestyle blog, you need to have a well-crafted privacy policy in place to get accepted into some of the ad programs.

Your legal pages are vitally important and if you're not sure how to go about creating them, there are free online tools like this one that you can use to help you.

Create a Logo

Beyond that, it's also a good time to focus on creating a logo for your lifestyle blog. There are a LOT of different ways to do this, but I'm a big fan of using this logo maker.

To get started, you can click here to create a blog logo.I think it's a good idea to create a logo at this point now that your blog is all setup.

This platform will provide you with a free logo for your blog and if you need the high-resolution logo files, you can pay a very minimal amount for access to those files and a few other things.

Once you are done adding these basic elements to your new blog, the real fun can begin – now you can start blogging.

8. Begin Blogging

Before writing your first post, you need to choose a blogging category for it. For instance, say you are a beauty blogger, some of your categories might include makeup, skincare, haircare, health and wellness tips, and so on.

For each post that you write, you have to put it in a specific category when you publish it on your blog.

Here are some examples of categories for different lifestyle blogs across more specific niches:

  • Family Blog: Education, Marriage, Baby, Faith, Motherhood, Parenting, Relationships, Pets, Religion, Toys and Games, Wedding, University, etc.
  • Food and Drink Blog: Cooking, Recipes, Events Planning, Wine, Cocktails, Parties, etc.
  • Fitness and Health Blog: Exercise, Diet, Mental Health, Wellness, Weight Loss, Medical, etc.
  • Style, Beauty, and Fashion Blog: Makeup, Haircare, Skincare, Health and Wellness Tips, etc.
  • Home and Garden Blog: Decor, DIY, Crafts, Home Improvement, Interior Decoration, Homemaking, Gardening, Natural Living, Outdoors, etc.

When creating content, do your best to deliver as much value and information to your readers as possible. But, avoid rambling on for too long as most people's attention spans online are very short and that will increase the chances of them clicking away from your blog post.

So, the trick is to make sure your posts are long enough to deliver the relevant information but short enough to keep readers engaged until the end.

One way to maintain engagement throughout your post is to include lots of high-quality, visual content. For most people, this is easier to follow than the text on the page. So use plenty of short engaging videos and crisp, high definition images in your blog posts.

You'll want to select a font style and color that is easily readable against your background and which matches your theme. Don't make it harder for your reader to move through your blog article. Find a font that's easy to read and don't go crazy with the coloring.

And don't forget search engine optimization.

SEO is the best way to get your new website found by your target audience online. Best practices for SEO are constantly changing, and as a lifestyle blogger, you will have to stay on top of current trends so you can get your website ranked high in the search engines.

Blogging Tip: Write 10 Posts Prior to Promoting Your Blog

The last thing you want is to invite people to check out your blog only for them to find just one or two posts on your blog page.

You want your blog to look populated and professional.

So, before you hit publish, make sure you've got at least 10 blog posts written and published so that when your blog goes live, and you start attracting viewers, there is enough content for them to scroll through as well as enough variety to keep different segments of your audience engaged.

9. Promoting Your Lifestyle Blog

You've now created a lifestyle blog of your very own. But, your blog can't exist in a vacuum. In order to get your first visitors, you have to begin promoting your blog to get it in front of the eyes of your target audience.

Below are some of the ways to start bringing visitors to your site:

1. Tell Family and Friends: The first thing you should do after your blog is live is to share it with your friends and family. Ask them to check out your blog and to share it with their own networks in order to increase your exposure even more.

2. Leverage Social Media: There are many ways that you can use to get people to check your new lifestyle blog. However, few are as effective as social media. With the right strategy, the posts on your new blog will never go unread.

Whenever you publish a blog post, always share it on social media. Use snippets or sections from the content to entice your target readers to click through and read the rest of your post.

3. Send Emails: As a lifestyle blogger, you should start building your own email list of subscribers on your blog. But, in the beginning, you can use the resources you already have. Send emails to your existing contacts with a link to your blog. Ask them to visit your blog and to share it with their own contacts. And remember to add links to your blog and your email signature.

4. Share on Forums: You can join forums and online communities such as Miss Pettigrew Review or the Parent Bloggers Network where you can share your new blog with a ready-made audience of like-minded individuals.

Ask people to check out your blog and share feedback and comments, as well as suggestions for the type of content they would love to see on your blog.

5. Share on Groups: Similar to the tip above, you can also share your new lifestyle blog on Facebook or LinkedIn groups. Connect with people who have shown interest in the topics you write about on your blog and ask them to visit your blog.

Some popular groups you can post on include The Lifestyle Team, Entrepreneur Lifestyle, Wandering Women Travel Bloggers, and many more.

6. SEO: The primary driver of traffic to most lifestyle blogs is search engine optimization. From the very first post you publish, you must always focus on implementing great SEO practices. This is undoubtedly the best way to bring new visitors to your blog, but it does take time to start seeing a steady stream of traffic, so you have to be patient while putting in consistent effort.

7. Advertise on Other Sites: A great tactic to use while you're waiting for your SEO efforts to take effect is to advertise on other lifestyle blogs in your chosen niche.

Although many new bloggers shy away from spending money on advertising, this can be a great way to bring a flood of traffic to your blog and start building an audience of your own. Alternatively, you can guest post on popular sites in your niche to reach broad new audiences.

8. Advertise on Social Media: The audience you want for your lifestyle blog is already there online, but you may have to pay to draw their focus and attention away from other interests and toward your blog.

By advertising your posts on social media, you will be able to bring more traffic to your blog and grow your email list significantly faster than you would if you relied only on organic traffic generation strategies.

10. Start Making Money

And now, the part that many have been waiting for – monetizing your lifestyle blog. Below are some examples of different ways you can start making money with your blog:

Affiliate Marketing: Affiliate marketing is great for beginners. You don't need to have a huge audience in order to start making money. The trick is to have an engaged audience that fits with whatever product you are promoting on your lifestyle blog.

Google Adsense: One of the easiest ways for beginner lifestyle bloggers to monetize their blogs is through Google AdSense. It's very easy to set up and maintain, and you can add other ad networks later once you're getting a steady stream of traffic.

Selling Your Own Products: You can also sell your own products on your lifestyle blog, such as crafts, apps, clothing, bags, organic shampoo, books, recipes, art, photographs, etc. An example of a lifestyle blog that makes money from selling their own products is Tone it Up. This healthy lifestyle blog sells its own apparel, protein, and an app.

Sponsored Posts: As a lifestyle blogger, you can work with brands to promote their products in your posts and market them to your audience. In return, the brands will compensate you with money and/or free products.

Read my full blog post for more information on how to make money blogging.

How to Start a Lifestyle Blog: The Final Word

Starting a lifestyle blog doesn't have to be an overwhelming experience, particularly if you have a simple, step-by-step process to follow.

If you're ready to share your knowledge and experiences with the world, use this article as your resource to help you get started right now building and growing a successful and profitable lifestyle blog.

How To Make Money On A Lifestyle Blog


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